Watch the Register
Following a Sprite as it displays on a screen.
Problem Description
The full description can be found in this site's repository.
You are working with a very simple model of CPU that only has one register, X
. This register, on startup, holds the value 1
. This register only supports two instructions:
addx n
takes two cycles to complete. After two cycles, theX
register is increased by the value ofn
is an integer).noop
takes one cycle to complete. It has no other effect.
Upon further investigation, you found that the X
register controls the horizontal position of a sprite. Specifically, the sprite is 3 pixels wide, and the X
register sets the horizontal position of the middle of the sprite. The CPU's display is 40 pixels wide and 6 pixels tall. The CPU draws a single pixel during each cycle count, either a #
or a .
Each pixel is formatted as follows. If the sprite is positioned such that one of its three pixels is the pixel currently being drawn, the screen produces a lit pixel (#
); otherwise, the screen leaves the pixel dark (.
Render the image the CPU would output given the input program in input.txt. Determine the 8 capital letters that appear on the display, and turn in those letters embraced in flag{}
The hardest challenge here is understanding the challenge. We're asked to monitor a register containing an integer and the cycle count (an unsigned integer). This hints us to use a uint32_t
for the cycle count and an int
for the register.
There are two ways to track the lights printed to the console: printing them as the sprite iterates or storing them in a buffer. I chose to store them as a buffer. There are two ways to store the buffer:
A 2D array of characters (6 rows of 40 characters)
A 1D array of characters (240 characters)
The second one will prove to be much easier to work with, especially when we're at the end of each row. We'll handle the formatting of the rows when we print the final flag.
Now that our data structures are chosen, we need to read and parse the data.
Reading the File
The file format is a series of lines we need to read one at a time. Therefore, we can use getline()
as our read function.
We'll use the same initialization as the previous challenge:
Next, we'll initialize the data structures we use for the challenge.
We will also use the same iterating logic as the previous challenges to read the file until we reach an EOF.
Parsing the Data
For each line, we need to decide whether the instruction is a noop
or an addx
. There are multiple ways to do this, so we'll ensure that we do this in the most robust way possible.
One of the most common ways people do this is by comparing the first letter. Although this solution works, it's not very robust and expandable. We'll look at another way that better uses the string operatins present in the string.h
The first thing we need is the sprite's position within the display. This is the position within the row. We can get this by converting the cycle count into its position on the display. We subtract one from the cycle count because the display uses zero-based indexing, and we use one-based indexing for the cycle count.
Next, we need to decide how to handle the instructions. We want to handle both cases in the same iteration. For noop
and addx
, we need to process one cycle count. For addx
, we will process another cycle count.
For each cycle, we need to compare the position
(where we are in the display) to the register X
. If our register is somewhere inside the sprite, we will display a #
. Otherwise, we will display a .
. We have the center location of the sprite, and X
can be within one position of the center; we can use abs(X - position)
to check the difference in positioning.
We need to update the cycle count each time we make this comparison. The catch is that we also must update the position.
When we update the cycle count, this moves the sprite. Therefore, we need to account for this.
We'll handle this right after the comparison:
Now, we need to handle the addx
instruction. If our instruction is a noop
, we are finished processing this instruction and can move on. However, if the instruction is an addx
, we'll need to process another cycle count, and then update the register X
To get the instruction, we will use strtok()
. strtok()
takes a string and a delimiter and will return the first token in the delimited string. In our case, our delimiter is " "
(a space).
, there is no space, sostrtok()
will return the entire string.For
, there is a space, sostrtok()
will return the first token, which isaddx
. To get the second token (the argument toaddx
), we'll usestrok()
Let's get the instruction. If it's a noop
, we can use continue
to move to the next line iteration.
There are two pitfalls to be made here.
The first is that
leaves the newline character at the end of the line.strtok()
does not remove this, meaning that we need to account for it in our comparison.The second is that we must use
to compare strings. The equality operator (==
) compares the addresses of the strings, not the strings themselves.
If we pass these instructions, we know we have an addx
instruction. In this case, we must process another cycle count.
Once the second instruction is over, we must update the cycle count. We can do this by using strtok()
again to get the argument to addx
. We'll use atoi()
to convert the string to an integer.
Why did we use NULL
? strtok()
keeps track of the string it's parsing. If we pass NULL
, it will continue parsing the same string. If we pass a string, it will parse that string instead.
Printing the Flag
Once we finish parsing the file, we can print the flag. We need to print each row of the display, which is 40 characters long. Because we elected to use a 1-D array, we need to calculate in the array we are.
Once we finish this, we need to free the data and close the file.
Running this, we get the following output:
Reading the characters here, our flag is flag{EHZFZHCZ}
Full Solution
The full solution is below:
Last updated